Fulbourn Neighbourhood Plan
Referendum Date: 9th February 2023
The Fulbourn Parish Council and a group of volunteers from the village has been working for the past five years to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan to influence the development the village and the wider Parish.
The District Council has now designated Fulbourn to proceed with a Referendum within the village when all villagers can vote to adopt or reject the Plan. More information on the process together with documents including the Referendum Version of the Neighbourhood Plan are available via this link:
The Referendum version is also available below:
Neighbourhood Plan overview documents:
- Appendix 2 Fulbourn Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version PDF 3 MB
- Fulbourn NP (Submission Draft) V03.2 lowres (3.5 MB)
- Fulbourn NP (Submission Draft) V03.2 (25 MB)
- FulbournNP-Policy Map Oct21 (38 MB)
- FulbournNP-Policy Map (Village inset) Oct21 (41MB)
Evidence Base documents:
- EP1 Key Views v2 (387 KB)
- EP2 ICF v3 (1.4 MB)
- EP3 Local Green Spaces v2 (2.5 MB)
- EP4 PVAA v2 (2.6 MB)
- EP5 Green Infrastructure v2 (700 KB)
- EP6 Biodiversity in Fulbourn v2 (7 MB)
- Evidence Base Summary Index v3 (300 KB)
Please contact the Clerk to the Council (contact details on the right or below) if you would like to access to any other Neighbourhood Plan documents or would like any further information.