Planning Applications
24/02422/HFUL – 16 Stonebridge Lane
24/02828/HFUL – 2 Clover Court
Prior Approval Refused
Location: Capital Park Cambridge Road
Proposal: Installation of 1 no. 20m telecommunications streetworks pole, 1 no. equipment cabinet, 1 no. meter cabinet and associated ancillary development
Permission Refused
24/02098/FUL – 13 Violet Close
24/02783/FUL – 20-24 Pierce Lane Fulbourn Cambridgeshire
Consultation on application for Removal or Variation of a Condition (Section 73)
Location: 40 Pierce Lane Fulbourn
Proposal: S73 to vary condition 2 (approved drawings) to ref: 20/04688/FUL (Demolition of existing dwelling and the erection of 2no. replacement dwellings (resubmission of planning application 20/03314/FUL) for alterations to the garage of plot 2 to become attached, extensions of rear flat roof projections to cover the full width of both plots, insertion of chimney stacks, insertion of rooflights and alterations to the fenestration.
Information on application for Approval of Details Reserved by Condition:
Location: Barnsbury Stables Coxs Drove Fulbourn Cambridgeshire
Proposal: Submission of details required by conditions 3 (foul water drainage), 4 (energy statement), 5 (water efficiency specification), 10 (biodiversity enhancement) and 13 (arboricultural method statement and tree protection plan) of planning permission 23/04916/FUL
Location: Barnsbury Stables Coxs Drove
Proposal: Submission of details required by conditions 3 (Foul water Drainage), 4 (Energy Statement) and 10 ( Biodiversity Enhancement) of planning permission
Location: 29 Apthorpe Street Fulbourn Cambridgeshire CB21 5EY
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 3 (contractors parking plan) of planning permission 24/00239/S73
Location: 29 Apthorpe Street Fulbourn Cambridgeshire CB21 5EY
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 4 (Drainage Scheme) of planning permission 24/00239/S73
Location: Land West Of Balsham Road Fulbourn Cambridge CB21 5BZ
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 10 (Electric Vehicle Charge) of planning permission S/3396/17/FL
Location: 11 High Street Fulbourn
Proposal: Submission of details required by conditions 3 (noise assessment) and 4 (external lighting) of planning permission 24/01740/FUL
Location: 39 Pierce Lane
Proposal: Demolition of existing garden buildings and the erection of 2 No. detached dwellings together with single car port.
Information only:
Location: Land to the East of Teversham
Proposal: Submission of details required by Condition 27 (Renewable Energy) of Outline planning permission S/0202/17/OL.
Location: Fulbourn Silo, 2 Wilbraham Road
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness under S192 for a proposed side extension.
Location: CamLIFE 2 Cambridge Road
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition18 (Plant Screen) of planning permission 24/01431/S73
Location: CamLIFE 2 Cambridge Road
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 8 (Plant Screen) of planning permission 24/01432/S73
Location: CamLIFE 1 Cambridge Road Fulbourn
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition18 (Plant Screen) of planning permission 24/01431/S73
Location: 29 Apthorpe Street
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 5 (Energy Statement) and 6 (hard and soft landscaping scheme) of planning permission 24/00239/S73
Consultation on application for Outline Planning Permission
Location: Four Acre Piggery Teversham Road
Proposal: Outline application for the erection of 1 No. self/custom build dwelling with all matters reserved
New applications:
Location: Land on the North East side of Coxs Drove
Proposal: Demolition of existing industrial units and erection of 7 No. self/custom build dwellings with off street parking
Location: Tesco Superstore, Yarrow Road
Proposal: Installation of a click and collect parking and double canopy above with galvanized steel post for support and 17 No. bollards.
Location: 11 Oslars Way, Fulbourn
Proposal: Alterations to front and rear fenestration, and erection of outbuilding to rear
24/03201/HFUL & 24/03202/LBC
Location: 1 High Street, Fulbourn
Proposal: Installation of an electric car charger to the side elevation.
Location: 1 Cow Lane Fulbourn Cambridgeshire CB21 5HB
Proposal: Single storey front and side extension and single storey rear extension.
Location: 44 Pierce Lane Fulbourn
Proposal: Single Storey Front Extension following demolition of Existing Covered Porch together with Re-Roof of Existing Flat Roof Elements and rooflights to rear, Internal Additions and Alterations
Location: 17 Caraway Road, Fulbourn
Proposal: Demolition of existing car port and garage. Two storey side and single storey rear extension
Location: 7 The Chantry, Fulbourn
Proposal: Demolition of existing conservatory. Single storey front and rear extensions, solar panels to south side elevation, and associated alterations.
Location: 26 St Vigors Road, Fulbourn
Proposal: Two storey side and rear extensions and single storey front and rear extensions
Location: Street record, Rushden Close, Cambs
Proposal: Demolition and replacement of an existing commercial unit with nine new dwellings and new office premises
Location: The Worksgop Capital Park, Cambridge Road
Proposal: Installation of 5no rooflights, replacement of the north-facing eaves louvres with glazing, new doors into the courtyard area, brick infill to openings on the north elevation, brick infill to the existing door on eastern elevation, alterations to fenestration and the addition of 2no external condensers on the western elevation.
Proposal: Single storey side and single storey front infill extensions
Location: 17 Hinton Road Fulbourn Cambridgeshire CB21 5DZ
28 Teversham Road Fulbourn Cambridgeshire CB21 5EB
Demolition of outbuildings and conservatory. Erection of a 1.5 storey side extension including glass link, first floor rear/side extension and installation of new window to west elevation. (Resubmission of 24/02269/HFUL).
Tree Works Notice:
Location: 7 Balsham Road
Proposal: T1 – Sycamore Tree – Remove
Location: 8 Balsham Road
Proposal: 1633 (1), 1634 (2) and 1635 (1), 3 x Limes, Re-pollard, Removing regrowth of approximately 8m.
Location: 2 Ludlow Lane Fulbourn Cambridgeshire CB21 5BL
Proposal: Tree works: T1 & T2- Hazel – Pollard to 3.5m to maintain size
Location: 28 Teversham Road
Proposal: Two storey side and rear extension with juliet balcony and erection of a detached one and a half storey garage with an external staircase, following demolition of existing outbuildings, garage, conservatory and existing rear extension.
Location: 20 – 24 Pierce Lane
Proposal: Retrospective erection of a single infill dwellinghouse.
Location: Fernleigh Farm Teversham Road Fulbourn Cambridgeshire
Proposal: Change of use from agricultural to 5no dwellinghouses
Location: 18 Apthorpe Street
Proposal: Replacement of the existing timber and single glazed doors with new timber and triple glazed doors, in a similar style. Replacement of the existing corrugated metal roof with slates, with additional insulation. Installation of photovoltaic solar panels to south side of roof.
Location: Fernleigh Farm Teversham Road
Proposal: Erection of New Stables (with staff offices and welfare facilities), New Hay Barn, relocated horse walker and lunge pen, associated access, parking, drainage and landscaping