Patient Participation Group
What is the Patient Participation Group (PPG)?
A group of people joining together on a voluntary basis, working in cooperation with doctors and nurses on behalf of and representing patients to enhance the Practice.
What has the PPG achieved?
- Physiotherapy services maintained following a local petition
- A new photo-board with pictures with names of all staff
- Secure cycle parking with a grant from Cycle Cambridge
- Automatic external doors and power assisted lobby doors
- Notice boards with lively rotating displays of local events and health related information for all ages. Artwork donated by Arts and Minds and the Primary School.
- Enlarged photograph and question board in waiting area
- Community herb bed with Primary School and Fulbourn Forum for Community Action
- Monthly Practice article in The Mill; a stand at the Fulbourn Feast
Who is on the PPG Committee?
- The Practice Manager
- A General Practitioner from the Practice
- A representative of Fulbourn Parish Council
- Interested Members of the general public.
When does the Committee meet?
- An AGM/ Open meeting will be held annually
- Bi monthly meetings are held at the Health Centre from 6.15pm – 7.15pm
- Local residents are invited to attend the AGM, or any other meeting if you wish to voice concerns relating to the Health Centre
Can I too join the Committee? How can I tell the PPG about my concerns or views of the Practice?
Please contact the PPG Secretary If you are interested in joining the PPG or going on the mailing list, to express your views on the Practice or for meeting dates:
Contact the secretary Bev Savage on 01223 880962